What Everyone Regardless of Party Must Do

So much of politics is governed by talking points, reciting facts the media give (okay relates mostly to the right, but the left is equally guilty), and of course voting the party ticket as given to each voter, because people are lazy, ignorant, not involved in politics/civics, and an idiot. People feel that their vote …

My Take on the Implosion of Trumpcare and What We Should Do From Here

Most progressives would like to see the Affordable Care Act (ACA) replaced with universal health care, either by expanding Medicare to all or by simply creating universal health coverage, which I presume would mean getting rid of Medicaid and Medicare in favor of Universal Healthcare. Allen Clifton expresses this sentiment quite well. I want to …

Elections Have Consequences and an Election Do-Over

More and more I see that Trump is an exaggeration of Republicans as a whole. Getting rid of Trump would not make anyone better off, as then we would have Mike Pence, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, or any other nut job on the right. They are all dangerous. Yes, Trump arguably is more dangerous, as …

Analyzing Trumpcare and what the CBO had to say

I already talked of health care in a previous post, but wanted to continue the topic. When I talked about the individual mandate on my last healthcare post, I forgot to mention that the penalty for not having healthcare goes to the government and pegged to healthcare. The insurance companies get none of that penalty. …

Healthcare: Part 1

I have dreaded this week ever since the November 8, 2016, when Democrats lost all branches of federal government, and Congress takes up the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which the population has waited a long time to get. When I say all branches of federal government, I am including the …

Does Trump’s Tweet Against the Media Violate the Constitution?

There is talk among progressives that Trump’s tweets attacking the media is treasonous. Keith Olberman in his video makes this claim. I counter that the attack, although dangerous, insightful, hideous, and a cancer on the Presidency does not equate to treason or a violation of the 1st amendment to the constitution. Trump stated his opinion, …