An Extension of 10 Horrible Things if Progressives Get What They Want

Allen Clifton of Forward Progressives wrote an article entitled, “10 ‘Horrible’ Things That Would Happen if Progressives Got Their Way in the United States”. I thought that my comment deserved to be a post here. When I first read the title of Allen’s article, I sadly missed the quotes. I was totally curious what possible …

The Right and their “Remove and Replace”

Allen Clifton wrote an article on the Republican Health Care plan. This post is my commentary on that article, blowing off some steam too, as it is quite frustrating how ignorant the right and many people are towards something as basic and necessary as healthcare. Healthcare is a right. Period. There is no such construct …

Why People Vote Republican

I made a comment on a recent post on Forward Progressives. The post discussed John McCain (R-AZ) saying that American leadership was better under President Obama and concluded that Republicans sold out their country by embracing Trump. I made a comment that Republicans sold their soul a long time ago. One can argue with the …

Healthcare: Part 1

I have dreaded this week ever since the November 8, 2016, when Democrats lost all branches of federal government, and Congress takes up the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which the population has waited a long time to get. When I say all branches of federal government, I am including the …