An Extension of 10 Horrible Things if Progressives Get What They Want

Allen Clifton of Forward Progressives wrote an article entitled, “10 ‘Horrible’ Things That Would Happen if Progressives Got Their Way in the United States”. I thought that my comment deserved to be a post here. When I first read the title of Allen’s article, I sadly missed the quotes. I was totally curious what possible …

The Concept of For Profit Health Insurance Companies

Allen Clifton wrote an article entitled: “The Two Words Republicans Will Never Admit are the Cause of Our Health Care Issues.” The two-words are “for profit.” Here is my take on the thought. I do agree that for-profit insurance companies cannot provide adequate healthcare coverage. At the very minimum, there is the perpetual battle to …

Comments on 5-Points Raised About Comey’s Testimony

Allen Clifton, Forward Progressives, wrote an article talking about the 5 standout points raised with James Comey’s written testimony before Congress. I wanted to add my take to that. Donald Trump behaved like some sort of mafia boss Trump is not “like” a mafia boss. He IS a mafia boss, twice over. First, the Republican …

Do I Support Democrats

Allen Clifton of Forward Progressives wrote an article talking about how Trump supporters are fragile little snowflakes. I already commented on this post of Allen’s. I received a comment, which I wanted to address. The comment is: no one is saying that democrats are perfect, but at this moment, republicans are running our country and …

Commentary on Trump’s Followers Being Snowflakes

Allen Clifton wrote that Trump’s followers are snowflakes. Here is a quote from the beginning, which I like: I’ve often mocked the belief among many Trump supporters that he’s this “tough-talking, confident, tells-it-like-it-is alpha male” type. That’s the character he plays, but the truth is he’s the complete opposite of that. He’s a weak, insecure, …

The Corruption of the Republican Party

I talked with someone last night and the state of the Republican Party came into the discussion. This person mentioned the obvious, namely that the Republican Party got corrupted, possibly always has been, by power, money, and special interests, not to mention bottom feeders. As you probably are aware, power and money corrupt. It takes …

Europe’s Views on Trump and the Sad State Here

Robert B. Reich, is Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley and Senior Fellow at the Blum Center for Developing Economies. He served as Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration. Although I would pull his name out of the hat, since Allen Clifton wrote about him, I do recall the …

My Take on the Implosion of Trumpcare and What We Should Do From Here

Most progressives would like to see the Affordable Care Act (ACA) replaced with universal health care, either by expanding Medicare to all or by simply creating universal health coverage, which I presume would mean getting rid of Medicaid and Medicare in favor of Universal Healthcare. Allen Clifton expresses this sentiment quite well. I want to …

The flame is lit with the Jeff Sessions perjury

Before talking about Jeff Sessions and his perjury, I want to throw a thought out to the masses: Republicans are very 1-dimensional in one sense and that is their Achilles Heal. Republicans vote as one, think as one, behave as one. As such, all can go down as one if the Democrats do things properly. …

A Totally Awesome Weekend

Everyone is clambering for “Please let this do the trick. Trump must go!”, however there is another way to look at these events: 1. The more Trump and Republicans get involved in scandals and accusations, then the less time Congress has to focus and work on destroying America with laws that they will enact. One …