I made a comment on a recent post on Forward Progressives. The post discussed John McCain (R-AZ) saying that American leadership was better under President Obama and concluded that Republicans sold out their country by embracing Trump. I made a comment that Republicans sold their soul a long time ago. One can argue with the …
Tag Archives: native Americans
Comments on 5-Points Raised About Comey’s Testimony
Allen Clifton, Forward Progressives, wrote an article talking about the 5 standout points raised with James Comey’s written testimony before Congress. I wanted to add my take to that. Donald Trump behaved like some sort of mafia boss Trump is not “like” a mafia boss. He IS a mafia boss, twice over. First, the Republican …
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Commentary on Trump’s Followers Being Snowflakes
Allen Clifton wrote that Trump’s followers are snowflakes. Here is a quote from the beginning, which I like: I’ve often mocked the belief among many Trump supporters that he’s this “tough-talking, confident, tells-it-like-it-is alpha male” type. That’s the character he plays, but the truth is he’s the complete opposite of that. He’s a weak, insecure, …
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The Corruption of the Republican Party
I talked with someone last night and the state of the Republican Party came into the discussion. This person mentioned the obvious, namely that the Republican Party got corrupted, possibly always has been, by power, money, and special interests, not to mention bottom feeders. As you probably are aware, power and money corrupt. It takes …
Top 11 on Trump and the Nazis
Dan Rather gave a commentary on Trump’s incompetence, which Allen Clifton wrote about. There is a link to Dan Rather’s commentary on Allen’s post. I wanted to give my own two-cents on the article. Yes, we live in dangerous times. The analogous would be somewhere in 1920’s Germany with the rise of the Nazi Party …
What Everyone Regardless of Party Must Do
So much of politics is governed by talking points, reciting facts the media give (okay relates mostly to the right, but the left is equally guilty), and of course voting the party ticket as given to each voter, because people are lazy, ignorant, not involved in politics/civics, and an idiot. People feel that their vote …
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The Democrats are Always Wrong
Hello everyone! I am finally writing my first post on this blog. I have been meaning to start my political blog for years, but never got around to it. Finally, I got a push recently, when I had to start another business related blog. Hopefully my writings will get read and maybe help society. I …